Year 8
What are your views on landscapes?
This topic offers a creative approach to physical geography which focuses on landscapes and landscape change and encourages exploration within and beyond the classroom. Students will explore their relationship with the landscapes around the UK and gain an appreciation of the diverse nature of our beautiful country.
China: The 2nd Superpower?
China embodies so many contemporary geographical dilemmas – development vs sustainability, population growth vs economic growth, and so on – and has developed unprecedented ways of creating and utilising links with other countries. The rise and rise of China seems inevitable and this topic investigates the factors which affect and effect the rapid changes in contemporary China, offering opportunities to investigate traditional geographical principles in the context of place-specific knowledge. Based on these investigations, and critical consideration of sources, students will be able to form grounded opinions and re-evaluate their views of contrasting cultures in the context of their own lives and experiences.
Do we have equal rights to resources?
Do we use water in a sustainable way, or squander it? Who owns the world’s rivers? Children in the UK turn on a tap for a constant supply of fresh, safe water, and many of them have no idea what life is like for people without this resource.
Focusing on the Middle East, this topic examines the demands placed on water, a limited natural resource; geographical disparities of access; and water as a source of possible future conflicts. Students will decide for themselves if our current rate of water consumption is sustainable, and how water conflicts might be resolved.
How can we help people in developing countries?
The development gap is widening and many countries seem to be falling behind. What problems might be caused for people in developing countries? Will everyone in these countries be affected? How might we help them? How could technological advancements assist in development? Students study many countries, with a specific focus on those in Africa, and analyse potential solutions to the growing economic and social gap.