Climate change is a massive topical issue and a major point for study in Geography.
Climate is the average of the weather conditions for an area, measured over 30 years.

Climate change can be affected by humans and the various activities we do but it happens naturally too.
It happens in many different ways - shown in the video above. Natural climate change can be caused by asteroid collisions and volcanic eruptions (where ash/dust spreads into the atmosphere and blocks out sunlight), by sunspots (where more solar radiation is emitted making the Earth hotter) or by the orbit (where the Earth's orbit changes from a circle to an oval and the Earth becomes cooler or warmer depending on how close it is to the Sun).
This is a fantastic video which explores the potential impacts of global warming degree-by-degree through six degrees Celsius over the next 100 years. As the mercury rises, what could the next century of climate change really look and feel like?
The journey of Six Degrees concludes with an examination of solutions, both great and small, that we can use to defuse the global warming time bomb.
Take the time to watch this video - it will give you a fascinating insight into potential climate changes.
Check out this link - great introduction and overview to climate change!
Another great video from the Science guy about Climate Change...I really do start to think this could be Will Smith in several years' time!