Temperature rising - a few facts
Global temperatures have risen by nearly a full degree over the last 100 years.
Sea levels have risen by about 2cm (doesn't seem a lot, I know, but it is!) since 1870.
This is called THERMAL EXPANSION (the water expands as it warms up). If glaciers and ice sheets melt, the sea levels will rise further.
19 of the 20 warmest years ever have been since 1980.
Floating sea ice in the Arctic has nearly halved since 1980.
Over 90% of valley glaciers are shrinking.
Awesome video on potential effects of climate change on the UK.
Awesome video on potential effects of climate change around the world.

Potential effects on other countries
Sea level rise causes salt water to creep into the river Nile and any areas around the river Nile may flood. This salt water will destroy the main source of drinking water as well as damaging arable land for growing crops. It can also damage the foundations of buildings cost millions for the economy. If sea levels rise by only 50cm, over one third of the city of Alexandria will be underwater and 10% of the Nile delta would be flooded. This could mean over 7 million people would become environmental refugees (forced to move due to changes in the environment). This loss of land would mean less space for farming, which could lead to famine. The Sahara Desert is also likely to spread (desertification), reducing farm land even further.
Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world and 85 percent of the population depends on agriculture for their livelihood. The agricultural sector is especially vulnerable to the adversities of weather and climate since it is rain fed, done using relatively basic technologies, and on tiny plots of land. Small-scale farmers and pastoralists in Ethiopia are likely to bear the brunt of the negative impacts of climate change in the region, which will include increased poverty, water scarcity, and food insecurity. Women and girls in particular are disproportionately affected by climate variability. In times of crisis, women tend to stay home with their children, while men move away to look for alternative means of survival. Women also have fewer options to find other ways of making a living, especially since women’s literacy rate is not even half of that of men. Women are also not given a say in household decisions and are frequently without cash savings or assets to sell to buy food and other basic items.
There are six seasons in Bangladesh which are disappearing due to climate change. Summer & rainy seasons are prolonging, whereas winter season is shrinking. Autumn and Dewy seasons are vanishing. Spring season has already vanished. Rainfall patterns are changed due to climate change – crops yields are expected to drop significantly. Crop production will decrease 30% in 2100. Production of rice & wheat will reduce 8.8%, and 32% within 2050 respectively. More floods are contaminating water which is increasing water borne diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea etc. More droughts are decreasing food production which increases malnutrition. More greenhouse gases are increasing air pollution leading to rising respiratory diseases and a rise of temperature will cause increases in pests and pathogens that will increase dengue, malaria, diarrhoea and other medical issues.
Some surprising effects of climate change - don't know if they are all 'true' but it is interesting to speculate about it!