Ben Fogle
T.V. presenter who studied A-level geography. Now famous for his nature programmes he is an ambassador for the WWF, National Parks and Youth Hostels Association. He's also a Fellow of the RGS.

Geography is a living, breathing subject, constantly adapting itself to change. It is dynamic and relevant. So many of the world's current issues – at a global scale and locally - boil down to geography, and need the geographers of the future to help us understand them. It is a subject that helps young people into work. Many employers prize the knowledge and skills that studying geography can provide and geography in higher education is thriving. Geography students are among those gaining greatest satisfaction from their studies, and geography graduates have a high level of employment. It's no wonder there is a growing demand to study the subject.
Be a geographer...
Steve Irwin
Nicknamed 'the modern day Noah' he was a wildlife conservationist and T.V. presenter. Promoted environmentalism to millions, founded charities such as Wildlife Warriors and worked tireslessly to protect endangered species.

Kate Humble
Didn't study Geography beyond G.C.S.E. but decided to turn to it to help with her T.V. career and charity work. Trying to educate people about the world through nature, animal and climate change programmes.

David Attenborough
Has become the face and voice of nature on T.V. Studied various disciplines of Geography and the Natural Sciences. Wrote and presented world famous nature programmes and documentaries that look at human influence on our planet.

Iain Stewart
Described as the subjects' 'rock star' he presents Power of the Planet, is a Fellow of the RGS & a member of UNESCO's scientific board. Studied Geography & Geology and was awarded an MBE for his geographical work.

Michael Palin
Studied Geography before moving on to a career in film and T.V. Presents many geography based documentaries and was President of the Royal Geographic Society. Famous for fighting for the importance of learning Geography at school and beyond.

Laura Dekker
She loves the open world and sailing so much that she became the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe-sailing solo for 27,000 nautical miles in 519 days! She was just 14 when she started and 16 when she finished.

Ellie Harrison
Graduated with a degree in Geography and Ecology she now uses her geographical knowledge to help her work on many television shows such as Countryfile, The Great British Winter, The One Show and Daily Planet.

Ed Stafford
Has used his geographical knowledge to become a world famous expedition leader & was the first person to walk the length of the Amazon. Awarded medals by the RGS, recognised as the face of Discovery Channel & writes geographical blogs for children.

Ray Mears
Environmentalist and bushcraft expert. Didn't attend university & couldn't be a marine due to poor eyesight so he turned to his love of nature for his career. Has been teaching people about conservation for 30 years.