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Development is the use of resources to improve the standard of living of a nation.

Appropriate technology

Equipment that the local community can use relatively easily and without much cost.


Frank's Dependency theory

A theory that suggests poorer countries supply resources and wealth to the richer countries because they have always done things to supply the rich countries with what they need.  Colonialism started this and now free trade, loans and big corporations are responsible for making poor countries dependent on the rich countries.


Gross domestic product (GDP)

The value of all goods and services produced in one year in a country.  Often shown as a total or per capita (per person).


Human development index (HDI)

A measure of development that measures four economic and social indicators to produce a figure that allows comparisons between countries.  The closer to 1.0, the more developed the country is.


Periphery region

The outer limits or edge of an area, often remote or isolated (far away) from the core region.


Bottom up approaches

Development projects that start in small communities rather than with big governments.



A great difference – for example between parts of a country in terms of wealth (money).


Gross national income (GNI)

A measure of economic activity which divides the gross (total) national income by the size of the population. It takes into account the value of goods and services and money invested overseas.


Micro-hydro schemes

Small scale hydro electric  schemes (HEP) that produce electric locally.


Rostow model

An economic model which suggests countries will develop in a series of stages.  Based on how European countries developed.


Core region

The most important social, political and economic area of a country.


Environment impact assessment

A method of evaluating the effects of plans and policies on the environment.


Happy planet index (HPI)

A measure that measures sustainable progress towards the well being of people.


Millennium development goals

The development goals agreed by world governments at the UN summit in September 2000.


Top down approaches

Projects set up and organised by governments, often with little consultation with local communities.

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