The reason?
The cause is the global population growth which means there are more mouths to feed. At the same time, there is a world shortage of wheat, rising milk and rice prices, and droughts in places like Australia.
The result is people across the world are struggling to afford basic foodstuffs.
With over 7 billion people on the planet, there is a delicate balance between the resources that these people need and the resources that are available.
Challenges for the future
The population of the world will continue to grow - this is the prediction of the United Nations.
The UN predicts that the population will peak at around 10 billion by 2083 - that's 3 billion more people in the world compared to the present day!
They are likely to face challenges of:
More expensive food - a greater deamnd for food means that the price will rise.
More expensive fuel - more people will mean greater demand for oil etc.
Climate change - more people will mean a greater release of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Water shortages - already many people in the world lack access to safe water.
More migration - many people will be born in some of the world's poorest countries, and they will want to move where they can achieve a better quality of life.
Political instability and war - with more people competing for fewer resoruces, individuals and governments may resort to desperate means.

Food Insecurity
This is when it is difficult to obtain enough food. It can range from hunger to full scale famine.
Food Security
This is the ability to obtain enough food on a day to day basis.
This is a naturally occurring substance which can be used in its own right or made into something else.
More People = More Demands
In 2007 and 2008, there were street protests and riots in West Africa, and outbreaks of violence in Mexico, Morocco, Yemen, Haiti, Egypt, India, Indonesia and other places.

Different types of resources
Non Renewable
Can't be remade, being used up. Once they are gone, they're gone!
These renew themselves and don't need managing.
Can be renewed and managed by humans, and will therefore last.
Biofuels - the answer or the problem?
Great introduction video