The biosphere can provide many things that help support life on this planet. Goods are things that we can get from different biomes and services are the things that different biomes naturally do for us.
And we don't always remember to thank them!
The BIOSPHERE provides us with a wide range of GOODS and SERVICES.
The problem is that different people want to use the same biome in different ways (remember, a BIOME is a world wide ecosystem).
If we overexploit (use too much) forests or overharvest (take too much) marine life, we aren't using the biosphere in a SUSTAINABLE way.
GREEN LUNGS - Forests remove CO2 from the atmosphere - these are called CARBON SINKS. They also release oxygen which helps purify the atmosphere.
WATER CONTROL - Forests protect watersheds from soil erosions & intercept rain which prevents flash floods. Forests can also trap silt which keeps water pure.
NUTRIENT CYCLING - Leaves that drop form a leaf litter layer which forms Humus. This makes the soil more fertile for growing crops.
PROVIDING HABITATS - Rainforests, reefs and forests can be very biodiverse - they provide homes for a huge range of animals (some very rare!)
RECREATION - Many forests, reefs and rainforests provide attractive scenery for tourists which brings a lot of money to boost the local economy.
Some services:
These can be classified in two ways:
IMMEDIATE CAUSES - such as logging, overfishing, pollution.
ROOT CAUSES - such as rapidly exapanding populations of people who use firewood etc.
A further root cause is economic development. For example, in CHINA and INDIA they have been increasing the manufacturing industries which have a huge need for industrial raw materials. Living standards in these countries are also improving which means that people now consume more food and fuel - and with billions living in these two countries, a massive strain is being put on the biosphere.
Commercial logging destroys forest unless sustainable ideas are used. It can affect rates of flooding, soil erosion and humus production.
Logging in the rainforests of the Amazon and Indonesia.
Conversion to farmland or urban use
Commercial (for businesses) intensive farming can destroy or alter the ecosystem. Urban sprawl (the growth of towns/cities) destroys ecosystems and encourages wildfires.
Wheat farming in the American Praries has removed natural grassland.
The urban sprawl of Los Angeles into the surrounding countryside.
Overharvesting causes wild animals to be hunted to extinction. Overfishing of some species, that are needed by other creatures for food, destroys food chains.
Big game animals, such as tigers in India and rhinos in Africa have been hunted to near extinction.
The population of krill in the Antarctic and North Sea is now being managed by quotas (only certain amounts can be taken).
Mining and Energy
Mining cuts away whole hillsides. Opencast mining destroys the surface and restoration is only partly successful. Drilling for oil causes surface damage. Oil tankers can cause oil slicks, spills and pollution.
Removal of forests to mine iron ore in the Brazilian Rainforest.
Tin mining in Malaysia.
Oil drilling in Alaska - a very fragile environment.
Water pollution from sewage, fertilisers and industry. Toxic fumes emitted into the atmosphere destroy species and damage ecosystems.
Too much silt and nutrients kill fish and coral.
Acid rain can kill forests - happens in Norway from our pollution!
Introduction of Alien species
Sometimes we introduce a new species deliberately, but more usually they arrive by accident e.g. via ships or aircraft. Alien species often breed well and take over.
Pheasants for shooting.
Rhododendrons are alien species which poison the soil so other species can't grow.
Tourism and recreation
Eco-tourism has little impact, but high density mass tourism in fragile environments can have devastating effects and destroy landscapes and disrupt wildlife.
The Galapagos Islands are under threat due to recent heavy tourism.
Video looking at issues in the Amazon rainforest.
Video looking at species extinction